
Sizes and number of layers

Thickness, mm Number of layers Plywood Sanded Plywood Not Sanded
Thickness tolerances, mm Thickness variance, mm Thickness tolerances, mm Thickness variance, mm
4 3 +0,3 | -0,5 0,6 +0,8 | -0,4 1,0
6,5 5 +0,4 | -0,5 0,6 +0,9 | -0,4 1,0
9 7 +0,4 | -0,5 0,6 +0,1 | -0,5 1,0
12 9 +0,5 | -0,7 0,6 +1,1 | -0,6 1,0
15 11 +0,6 | -0,8 0,6 +1,2 | -0,7 1,5
18 13 +0,7 | -0,9 0,6 +1,3 | -0,8 1,5
21 15 +0,8 | -1,0 0,6 +1,4 | -0,9 1,5
24 17 +0,9 | -1,1 0,6 +1,5 | -1,0 1,5
27 19 +1,0 | -1,2 1,0 +1,6 | -1,1 2,0
30 21 +1,1 | -1,3 1,0 +1,7 | -1,2 2,0

Plywood of different thicknesses and number of layers is possible to produce by agreement between customer and producer.

Length and width of plywood sheets Size tolerances
1220, 1250 ±3,0
2440, 2500 ±4,0

Plywood sheet length is determined along the grain of face veneers.

Plywood sheets must be cut at a right angle.

Slant must not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of a sheet edge length. Deviation from edges straightness must not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of a sheet length.