Plywood Direct from Manufacturer

JSC Plyterra was deservedly recognised as the winner in the nomination «For Contribution of Social Investments and Charity to the Development of Territories».
We congratulate our company and wish it further prosperity and new wins. More
On February 15, the delegation of Plyterra Group took part in the exhibition of industrial products of Mordovian potential suppliers for the KAMAZ company.
In September, Plyterra launched a plant for the production of fuel pellets in the village of Umet of the Republic of Mordovia. The new plant capacity allows processing up to 150 thousand cubic meters of wood.
MorePlease accept our sincere congratulations on the occasion of professional holiday – the Day of Forest Workers and the Timber Processing Industry!
This holiday brings together representatives of a large number of professions in various fields – from logging and reforestation to woodworking and the production of finished products. MoreOn September 16, the annual All-Russian campaign "Save the Forest" was held on the territory of the Staroshaygovsky district of the Republic of Mordovia. Plyterra Group, as an environmentally responsible company, took an active part in this reforestation campaign.
On May 19, the Head of Mordovia, Artyom Zdunov, presented Plyterra Group with winner’s certificates of the contests "100 Best Goods of Russia" and "Best Goods of Mordovia".
MoreKeeping up its good traditions, on April 26, Plyterra Group again organized a tree planting campaign entitled "Forests of the Future".
Today our plywood mill in Umet, the Republic of Mordovia, celebrates its 22nd birthday! More
On the eve of the holiday, the best employees of Plyterra of year 2020 have been awarded at the solemn awarding ceremony.
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The best materials have been used in the construction of the theatre. The walls of grand and chamber halls, as well the stages have been decorated with the fire-retardant plywood under the brand name PlyGuard produced by Plyterra Group.
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Therefore, we offer for sale a 10-openings hydraulic hot press machine with an automatic feeder by PAGNONI MONZA.
MoreEntire generations of families are associated with Plyterra Group (including the time when the plywood mill used to be a woodworking plant).
MoreOn December 5, 2019 the Minister of Industry, Science and New Technologies of the Republic of Mordovia awarded winners and prize-winners of the annual republican competition “Best Products of Mordovia”.
MoreThe church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, located in Atemar village, the Republic of Mordovia, is a cultural heritage site, a monument of history and culture of Russia. Plyterra Group has allocated two and a half million rubles for the church preservation
MoreOpenness and transparency are the foundations of Plyterra’s activity. We recorded the data for the 2nd quarter of 2019 and are pleased to share it.
The overall production indicator increased by 13% compared to the same period of last year. MorePlyterra does not remain aloof from the Russia-wide and international events.
At the event, Plyterra placed its exposition on the joint stand of the Zubovo-Polyansky District, where in the village of Umet, one of the Group's plants is located. More
Dozens of children of Plyterra Group’s employees participated in the drawing competition.
The jury consisted of heads of departments. They chose the best work in each age category: 4-7 years, 8-12 years and 13-15 years. MoreIn mid-April, the Caucasus Build 2019 international building and interior exhibition was held in Tbilisi, Georgia. Caucasus Build is one of the leading events in the construction industry in the South Caucasus. The products of Plyterra Group were presented at the stand of our partners “Georgian Trading Company”.
MoreIn the column " Plyterra’s advances" we will narrate about our bright achievements. An impressive result was achieved thanks to the professionalism of the staff and the production base modernization.
Compared to the first quarter of 2018, Plyterra’s overall production indicator grew by 16%.
MorePlyterra Group has a developed corporate culture. We create strong traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. In the column «Plyterra’s life» we will narrate about the events reflecting the mood of our company, events aimed to teambuilding and maintaining a positive working atmosphere. In March, one of our favorite activities starts again - the children's drawing competition “My parents work for Plyterra!”.
Among dozens of "Plyterra Group" professions and positions, forepersons have a special place.
The Head of the Republic of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov, visited our plywood mill of “Plyterra Group” during his working trip to Zubovo-Polyanskiy region.
The management of the mill congratulated their irreplaceable team with successful outcome of the past year and encouraged the team to reach new heights in the coming 2017! More
Saransk, Republic of Mordovia
430031, Russia
12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya
Moscow, 123610, Russia
1 Leninskaya Street
Umet, Zubovo-Polyanskiy Region
Republic of Mordovia, 431105, Russia
+7 (834-58) 3-65-99
How to reach us
Plywood plant "Vlast Truda", JSC
31 Pereulok Shirokiy
Nizhniy Lomov
Penza region, 442153, Russia
+7 (841-54) 4-14-40